1 Refereeravond 2021 Amsterdam UMC, afd. Klinische Genetica
Datum: 24 juni 2021
Thema: Clinical Genetic trials
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 4858 4556
Passcode: 052512
-17:45 inloop in zoom
-18:00 Helen Roessler UMCU:
Towards the treatment of CantĂș syndrome: Drug repurposing for rare genetic diseases.
-18:25 Mila Welling Erasmuc MC en Niels Vos AUMC:
Farmacotherapie voor genetische obesitas
-18:50 pauze
-19:05 Saskia Maas AUMC over PIK3CA:
Trial behandeling Alpelisib bij PROS
-19:30 Camiel Boom AUMC over ophthalmogenetica:
Developing cutting-edge treatments for hereditary retinal dystrophies.
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