Colloquium: Perspectives of healthcare professionals on the ethics of PGT for polygenic conditions (PGT-P)

maandag 09 mei 2022 14:30 - 15:30

Colloquium research group Community Genetics

Perspectives of healthcare professionals on the ethics of preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic conditions (PGT-P) - Maria Siermann (Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, KU Leuven, Belgium)

Recently, preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic conditions (PGT-P) has been developed and introduced commercially. PGT-P aims to use polygenic risk scores to screen embryos for the risk of developing polygenic disorders, e.g. diabetes, cancer or schizophrenia. PGT-P raises ethical concerns and guidance and regulation are lacking. We performed a qualitative in-depth interview study with healthcare professionals in the field of reproductive medicine and genetics in European and North-American countries to get insights into their perspectives on the ethics of PGT-P.

For more background information (but not the specific content of this colloquium), see
A review of normative documents on preimplantation genetic testing: Recommendations for PGT-P - ScienceDirect

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For more information about the organization of the colloquium, please contact us at:

Dr Carla van El | Senior Researcher
Section Community Genetics, Department of Human Genetics/ Amsterdam Public Health research institute
Location VUmc | Room G122 | Van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081BT Amsterdam
T: 0031 20 444 8867 | E:
Present: Mondays
Carla van El — Amsterdam UMC - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (

