14 Oktober: ERN GENTURIS webinar:From Li-Fraumeni to Heritable TP53-Related Cancer syndrome
Spreker: Prof. Thierry Frebourg, Head dept. Genetics, Rouen University Hospital
Inhoud: Prof. Thierry Frebourg, head of the Department of Genetics of the Rouen University Hospital, will focus on Li-Fraumeni and heritable TP53-related cancer syndromes.
In this webinar he will discuss which patients should be tested for TP53, how germline TP53 variants should be interpreted and what the medical consequences of germline TP53 variants are. Also, the type of medical follow-up that should be offered to germline TP53 variant carriers will be discussed. If you would like to attend this webinar, please, register here.
Registreren: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4466321095096248588