PRECeDI Seminar: Policy development in Personalized Medicine

donderdag 15 maart 2018 10:00 - 16:15

PRECeDI: Personalized prevention of chronic diseases

Seminar: Policy development in Personalized Medicine


10.00-10.15 Welcome Speeches (Martine de Bruijne, VUMC)

10.15-10.30 General overview of the PRECeDI project, (Stefania Boccia, UCSC)

10.30-11.15 Chair: Martina Cornel, VUMC
Challenge 1: The promise of OMICS in Personalised Medicine: achieved results, current challenges and potential public-private collaboration for future application
Identification of biomarkers for the prevention of chronic diseases (Cornelia Van Duijn, ERASMUSMC)
How to establish fruitful collaboration between academic/research organization and private companies: current needs to advance research and innovation (Paolo Gazzaniga, ASSOBIOMEDICA)

11.15 Coffee break

11.30-12.15 Chair: Stefania Boccia, UCSC
Challenge 2: Prioritising in Personalised Medicine
Prioritising useful applications in genomic screening. (Martina Cornel, VUMC)
Challenges in the implementation of personalised medicine: some concepts and issues (Ron Zimmern, PHG Foundation)

12.15-13.00 Chair: Roza Adany, UD
Challenge 3: Strategies for integrating personalized medicine in health systems
How to identify efficient and effective organizational models that integrate genomic information in Personalised Medicine: A health technology exercise? (Paolo Villari, SAPIENZA)
Designing the health system of the future: the challenge and the opportunities of Personalised Medicine in contributing to sustainable, resilient and effective health systems (Walter Ricciardi, ISS)

13.00-14.00 Lunch

Round Table - Fostering innovation in Personalised Medicine: what is the impact for our health systems?
Introduction and Chair: Anant Jani (BVHC, Oxford)

• Natasha Azzopardi Muscat (EUPHA President) Which challenges to foster Personalised Medicine and its impact on health systems as the translators of biomedical innovation
• Dick Willems (AMC) (Co-Chair Amsterdam Public Health research institute programme Personalized Medicine) Translating personalised medicine into everyday health care (and the other way around)
• Martine de Bruijne (Director Amsterdam Public Health research institute) Value Based Health Care at VUMC: new insights
• Tessel Rigter (VUMC; Netherlands Institute for Public Health and the environment) Pharmacogenomics as example of personalized medicine: (when) is it eligible or not?
• Stefania Boccia (UCSC) Italian Plan For Innovation of health system based on -omic sciences: the example of Lynch syndrome and hereditary breast cancer paths
• Ma'n H. Zawati (McGill) Mobile health applications for both consumer uses and research
• Jim Roldan (LinkCare) Technological application / collaboration academic-SME for innovative solutions
• Denis Horgan (EAPM) Regulating the Future in the era of personalisation of healthcare
• Maurizio Genuardi (UCSC- Italian Society of Human Genetics) Education of health care professionals

16.00-16.15 Conclusions (Martina Cornel, VUMC)

Attendance is free, but please register in time as seats are limited and we can inform the catering.
To register, please send an email message to Mrs

Location: VU University, Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam, E wing, 1st floor, room 1E-24, ‘Filmzaal’
Seminar page

The Personalized pREvention of Chronic DIseases consortium (PRECeDI) project is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) under the grant agreement N°645740.
