Refereeravond Oncogenetica, Amsterdam UMC

dinsdag 07 september 2021 17:45 - 20:00

Tumor and Tissue in the lead in the field of oncogenetics: Tissue diagnostics solves Lynch-like cases

Programma Oncogenetica

17.45 – 18.00: Digitale inloop

18.00 – 18.15: Welkom en introductie (F. Duijkers)

18.15 - 18:45:‘Tissue diagnostics in microsatellite instable tumors’ (Prof. C. van Noesel)

18:45 – 19.00: Pauze

19.00 – 19:30: Illustrating cases (F. Duijkers, L. v Hest, M. van Oort)

19:30 - 19:50: '‘A different type of MSI called EMAST causing polyposis poli ' (A. Aelvoet)

19:50 - 20:00: Discussie en afsluiting

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