Webinar 'heritability of cancer'

woensdag 15 april 2020 16:00

De eerste webinar: 15 april, start 16:00 uur.
Spreker: Prof. Dr. Maurizio Genuardi.

Onderwerp: The Heritability of Cancer
ERN GENTURIS announces its first webinar to take place on Wednesday April, 15th, 16:00. Prof. dr. Maurizio Genuardi, professor in medical genetics at Gemelli University Hospital in Rome, will kick off this series of monthly webinars with a lecture on the heritability of cancer.

In this webinar the genetic architecture and the clinical markers of cancer predisposition will be discussed. Genetic factors account for about 37% of the total burden of cancer within a population. Currently, effective preventative measures can be undertaken only for carriers of genetic variants associated with high risk conditions, which overall account for 5-10% of all cancers.

This webinar is open to healthcare professionals who are interested in the heritability of cancer.

Registreren: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5441716547948777740 (of: registreren)

Wie zijn wij?
Het Europese Referentie Netwerk on ‘genetic tumour risk syndromes’ (kortweg ERN GENTURIS) bestaat momenteel uit 29 gespecialiseerde centra in 12 landen. Het Radboudumc coördineert dit netwerk. Het doel van het netwerk is verbinding en kennisdeling, om identificatie van genturis patiënten, diagnose, behandeling en toegang tot hoogwaardige gezondheidszorg mogelijk te maken of te verbeteren. Webinars vormen één van de pijlers onder deze kennisdeling.
