De verdediging van het proefschrift door Rachèl van Schendel wordt vooraf gegaan door het mini-symposium:
Next steps in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
In this symposium we will consider new perspectives for the future of NIPT.
10.00 Registration & Coffee
10.15 Welcome prof. Martina Cornel
10.20 NIPT: aneuploidy screening and beyond - Prof. Lyn Chitty
Professor of Genetics and Fetal Medicine at UCL Institute of Child Health & Great Ormond Street London. She leads
the RAPID project (Rapid Accurate Prenatal non-Invasive Diagnosis); integrated project to implement NIPT in the UK.
10.50 NIPT: new moral responsibilities for us all - Dr. Gert van Dijk
Clinical ethicist Erasmus Medical Centre & Royal Dutch Medical Association
11.20 Measuring informed decision making in prenatal screening: difficulties and possible solutions - Prof. Daniëlle Timmermans
Professor of Risk Communication and Patient Decision Making at VU University Medical Center Amsterdam. She is
Chief Science Officer Risk Communication at the RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
11.50 The added value of the first trimester scan in the era of NIPT - Prof. Eva Pajkrt
Professor of Obstetrics, with a special focus on prenatal diagnosis and fetal ultrasound. She is a fetal and maternal
medicine specialist in the Obstetric Department and head of the AMC’s Fetal Medicine Unit.
12.20 Closing & Lunch
Walk to Aula (main building VU University Amsterdam, Boelelaan 1105)
13.45 Thesis defense Rachèl van Schendel: “Implementing Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): Perspectives of patients and professionals”
Venue symposium:
Room Aurora, Main Building VU University Amsterdam, Ground floor Boelelaan 1105
Attendance is free, but please register with Wilma IJzerman-Lap: