Joint Dutch/ UK Clinical Genetics Societies and Cancer Genetics Groups meeting
The 7th Joint Dutch/ UK Clinical Genetics Societies and Cancer Genetics Groups meeting is being held on Monday 10th - Tuesday 11th February, 2020 at the Sanger Centre in Cambridge, featuring invited presentations on Polygenic Risk, Management and Treatment of Genetic Conditions, and Personalized Medicine in Tumour syndromes, in addition to submitted abstracts.
Booking for the event will open shortly, but at this stage you are encouraged to submit an abstract.
All abstracts should be submitted on-line through mySociety, by selecting Events & Conferences. Anyone wishing to submit an abstract will need to click the blue button 'Log in to make a booking', and will then be prompted to either log in to an existing account, or to create a new account.
The deadline for abstract submission is 30th November 2019.
Only abstracts submitted through the portal will be considered. The abstract should be uploaded as a word file. Within the word file please write on line 1 if the abstract is for cancer or non cancer; on line 2 if you are eligible for the UK Robin Winter Prize or for one or two of the Dutch Prizes - the Research Prize VKGN or the Ton van Essen prize (prize eligibility information can be downloaded here); on line 3 onwards the author names and affiliations, and then the abstract which should be no longer than 250 words. Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be via email to the address of the submitting author by the end of December 2019.
The programme for the meeting will be available in early January
If you have any queries regarding the meeting please contact
Best wishes
BSGM Membership Team